API Reference

emhass.command_line module

emhass.command_line.dayahead_forecast_optim(input_data_dict: dict, logger: Logger, save_data_to_file: bool | None = False, debug: bool | None = False) DataFrame

Perform a call to the day-ahead optimization routine.

  • input_data_dict (dict) – A dictionnary with multiple data used by the action functions

  • logger (logging object) – The passed logger object

  • save_data_to_file (bool, optional) – Save optimization results to CSV file

  • debug (bool, optional) – A debug option useful for unittests


The output data of the optimization

Return type:


emhass.command_line.forecast_model_fit(input_data_dict: dict, logger: Logger, debug: bool | None = False) Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame, MLForecaster]

Perform a forecast model fit from training data retrieved from Home Assistant.

  • input_data_dict (dict) – A dictionnary with multiple data used by the action functions

  • logger (logging.Logger) – The passed logger object

  • debug (Optional[bool], optional) – True to debug, useful for unit testing, defaults to False


The DataFrame containing the forecast data results without and with backtest and the mlforecaster object

Return type:

Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, mlforecaster]

emhass.command_line.forecast_model_predict(input_data_dict: dict, logger: Logger, use_last_window: bool | None = True, debug: bool | None = False, mlf: MLForecaster | None = None) DataFrame

Perform a forecast model predict using a previously trained skforecast model.

  • input_data_dict (dict) – A dictionnary with multiple data used by the action functions

  • logger (logging.Logger) – The passed logger object

  • use_last_window (Optional[bool], optional) – True if the ‘last_window’ option should be used for the custom machine learning forecast model. The ‘last_window=True’ means that the data that will be used to generate the new forecast will be freshly retrieved from Home Assistant. This data is needed because the forecast model is an auto-regressive model with lags. If ‘False’ then the data using during the model train is used. Defaults to True

  • debug (Optional[bool], optional) – True to debug, useful for unit testing, defaults to False

  • mlf (Optional[mlforecaster], optional) – The ‘mlforecaster’ object previously trained. This is mainly used for debug and unit testing. In production the actual model will be read from a saved pickle file. Defaults to None


The DataFrame containing the forecast prediction data

Return type:


emhass.command_line.forecast_model_tune(input_data_dict: dict, logger: Logger, debug: bool | None = False, mlf: MLForecaster | None = None) Tuple[DataFrame, MLForecaster]

Tune a forecast model hyperparameters using bayesian optimization.

  • input_data_dict (dict) – A dictionnary with multiple data used by the action functions

  • logger (logging.Logger) – The passed logger object

  • debug (Optional[bool], optional) – True to debug, useful for unit testing, defaults to False

  • mlf (Optional[mlforecaster], optional) – The ‘mlforecaster’ object previously trained. This is mainly used for debug and unit testing. In production the actual model will be read from a saved pickle file. Defaults to None


The DataFrame containing the forecast data results using the optimized model

Return type:



Define the main command line entry function.

This function may take several arguments as inputs. You can type emhass –help to see the list of options:

  • action: Set the desired action, options are: perfect-optim, dayahead-optim, naive-mpc-optim, publish-data, forecast-model-fit, forecast-model-predict, forecast-model-tune

  • config: Define path to the config.yaml file

  • costfun: Define the type of cost function, options are: profit, cost, self-consumption

  • log2file: Define if we should log to a file or not

  • params: Configuration parameters passed from data/options.json if using the add-on

  • runtimeparams: Pass runtime optimization parameters as dictionnary

  • debug: Use True for testing purposes

emhass.command_line.naive_mpc_optim(input_data_dict: dict, logger: Logger, save_data_to_file: bool | None = False, debug: bool | None = False) DataFrame

Perform a call to the naive Model Predictive Controller optimization routine.

  • input_data_dict (dict) – A dictionnary with multiple data used by the action functions

  • logger (logging object) – The passed logger object

  • save_data_to_file (bool, optional) – Save optimization results to CSV file

  • debug (bool, optional) – A debug option useful for unittests


The output data of the optimization

Return type:


emhass.command_line.perfect_forecast_optim(input_data_dict: dict, logger: Logger, save_data_to_file: bool | None = True, debug: bool | None = False) DataFrame

Perform a call to the perfect forecast optimization routine.

  • input_data_dict (dict) – A dictionnary with multiple data used by the action functions

  • logger (logging object) – The passed logger object

  • save_data_to_file (bool, optional) – Save optimization results to CSV file

  • debug (bool, optional) – A debug option useful for unittests


The output data of the optimization

Return type:


emhass.command_line.publish_data(input_data_dict: dict, logger: Logger, save_data_to_file: bool | None = False, opt_res_latest: DataFrame | None = None) DataFrame

Publish the data obtained from the optimization results.

  • input_data_dict (dict) – A dictionnary with multiple data used by the action functions

  • logger (logging object) – The passed logger object

  • save_data_to_file (bool, optional) – If True we will read data from optimization results in dayahead CSV file


The output data of the optimization readed from a CSV file in the data folder

Return type:


emhass.command_line.set_input_data_dict(emhass_conf: dict, costfun: str, params: str, runtimeparams: str, set_type: str, logger: Logger, get_data_from_file: bool | None = False) dict

Set up some of the data needed for the different actions.

  • emhass_conf (dict) – Dictionary containing the needed emhass paths

  • costfun (str) – The type of cost function to use for optimization problem

  • params (str) – Configuration parameters passed from data/options.json

  • runtimeparams (str) – Runtime optimization parameters passed as a dictionary

  • set_type (str) – Set the type of setup based on following type of optimization

  • logger (logging object) – The passed logger object

  • get_data_from_file (bool, optional) – Use data from saved CSV file (useful for debug)


A dictionnary with multiple data used by the action functions

Return type:


emhass.forecast module

class emhass.forecast.Forecast(retrieve_hass_conf: dict, optim_conf: dict, plant_conf: dict, params: str, emhass_conf: dict, logger: Logger, opt_time_delta: int | None = 24, get_data_from_file: bool | None = False)

Bases: object

Generate weather, load and costs forecasts needed as inputs to the optimization.

In EMHASS we have basically 4 forecasts to deal with:

  • PV power production forecast (internally based on the weather forecast and the characteristics of your PV plant). This is given in Watts.

  • Load power forecast: how much power your house will demand on the next 24h. This is given in Watts.

  • PV production selling price forecast: at what price are you selling your excess PV production on the next 24h. This is given in EUR/kWh.

  • Load cost forecast: the price of the energy from the grid on the next 24h. This is given in EUR/kWh.

There are methods that are generalized to the 4 forecast needed. For all there forecasts it is possible to pass the data either as a passed list of values or by reading from a CSV file. With these methods it is then possible to use data from external forecast providers.

Then there are the methods that are specific to each type of forecast and that proposed forecast treated and generated internally by this EMHASS forecast class. For the weather forecast a first method (scrapper) uses a scrapping to the ClearOutside webpage which proposes detailed forecasts based on Lat/Lon locations. This method seems stable but as with any scrape method it will fail if any changes are made to the webpage API. Another method (solcast) is using the SolCast PV production forecast service. A final method (solar.forecast) is using another external service: Solar.Forecast, for which just the nominal PV peak installed power should be provided. Search the forecast section on the documentation for examples on how to implement these different methods.

The get_power_from_weather method is proposed here to convert from irradiance data to electrical power. The PVLib module is used to model the PV plant.

The specific methods for the load forecast are a first method (naive) that uses a naive approach, also called persistance. It simply assumes that the forecast for a future period will be equal to the observed values in a past period. The past period is controlled using parameter delta_forecast. A second method (mlforecaster) uses an internal custom forecasting model using machine learning. There is a section in the documentation explaining how to use this method.


This custom machine learning model is introduced from v0.4.0. EMHASS proposed this new mlforecaster class with fit, predict and tune methods. Only the predict method is used here to generate new forecasts, but it is necessary to previously fit a forecaster model and it is a good idea to optimize the model hyperparameters using the tune method. See the dedicated section in the documentation for more help.

For the PV production selling price and Load cost forecasts the privileged method is a direct read from a user provided list of values. The list should be passed as a runtime parameter during the curl to the EMHASS API.

I reading from a CSV file, it should contain no header and the timestamped data should have the following format:

2021-04-29 00:00:00+00:00,287.07

2021-04-29 00:30:00+00:00,274.27

2021-04-29 01:00:00+00:00,243.38

The data columns in these files will correspond to the data in the units expected for each forecasting method.

cloud_cover_to_irradiance(cloud_cover: Series, offset: int | None = 35) DataFrame

Estimates irradiance from cloud cover in the following steps.

  1. Determine clear sky GHI using Ineichen model and climatological turbidity.

  2. Estimate cloudy sky GHI using a function of cloud_cover

  3. Estimate cloudy sky DNI using the DISC model.

  4. Calculate DHI from DNI and GHI.

(This function was copied and modified from PVLib)

  • cloud_cover (pd.Series) – Cloud cover in %.

  • offset (Optional[int], optional) – Determines the minimum GHI., defaults to 35


Estimated GHI, DNI, and DHI.

Return type:


get_forecast_days_csv(timedelta_days: int | None = 1) date_range

Get the date range vector of forecast dates that will be used when loading a CSV file.


The forecast dates vector

Return type:


get_forecast_out_from_csv_or_list(df_final: DataFrame, forecast_dates_csv: date_range, csv_path: str, data_list: list | None = None, list_and_perfect: bool | None = False) DataFrame

Get the forecast data as a DataFrame from a CSV file.

The data contained in the CSV file should be a 24h forecast with the same frequency as the main ‘freq’ parameter in the configuration file. The timestamp will not be used and a new DateTimeIndex is generated to fit the timestamp index of the input data in ‘df_final’.

  • df_final (pd.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the input data.

  • forecast_dates_csv (pd.date_range) – The forecast dates vector

  • csv_path (str) – The path to the CSV file


The data from the CSV file

Return type:


get_load_cost_forecast(df_final: DataFrame, method: str | None = 'hp_hc_periods', csv_path: str | None = 'data_load_cost_forecast.csv', list_and_perfect: bool | None = False) DataFrame

Get the unit cost for the load consumption based on multiple tariff periods. This is the cost of the energy from the utility in a vector sampled at the fixed freq value.

  • df_final (pd.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the input data.

  • method (str, optional) – The method to be used to generate load cost forecast, the options are ‘hp_hc_periods’ for peak and non-peak hours contractsand ‘csv’ to load a CSV file, defaults to ‘hp_hc_periods’

  • csv_path (str, optional) – The path to the CSV file used when method = ‘csv’, defaults to “data_load_cost_forecast.csv”


The input DataFrame with one additionnal column appended containing the load cost for each time observation.

Return type:


get_load_forecast(days_min_load_forecast: int | None = 3, method: str | None = 'naive', csv_path: str | None = 'data_load_forecast.csv', set_mix_forecast: bool | None = False, df_now: ~pandas.core.frame.DataFrame | None = Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: [], use_last_window: bool | None = True, mlf: ~emhass.machine_learning_forecaster.MLForecaster | None = None, debug: bool | None = False) Series

Get and generate the load forecast data.

  • days_min_load_forecast (int, optional) – The number of last days to retrieve that will be used to generate a naive forecast, defaults to 3

  • method (str, optional) – The method to be used to generate load forecast, the options are ‘naive’ for a persistance model, ‘mlforecaster’ for using a custom previously fitted machine learning model, ‘csv’ to read the forecast from a CSV file and ‘list’ to use data directly passed at runtime as a list of values. Defaults to ‘naive’.

  • csv_path (str, optional) – The path to the CSV file used when method = ‘csv’, defaults to “/data/data_load_forecast.csv”

  • set_mix_forecast (Bool, optional) – Use a mixed forcast strategy to integra now/current values.

  • df_now (pd.DataFrame, optional) – The DataFrame containing the now/current data.

  • use_last_window (Bool, optional) – True if the ‘last_window’ option should be used for the custom machine learning forecast model. The ‘last_window=True’ means that the data that will be used to generate the new forecast will be freshly retrieved from Home Assistant. This data is needed because the forecast model is an auto-regressive model with lags. If ‘False’ then the data using during the model train is used.

  • mlf (mlforecaster, optional) – The ‘mlforecaster’ object previously trained. This is mainly used for debug and unit testing. In production the actual model will be read from a saved pickle file.

  • debug (Bool, optional) – The DataFrame containing the now/current data.


The DataFrame containing the electrical load power in Watts

Return type:


static get_mix_forecast(df_now: DataFrame, df_forecast: DataFrame, alpha: float, beta: float, col: str) DataFrame

A simple correction method for forecasted data using the current real values of a variable.

  • df_now (pd.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the current/real values

  • df_forecast (pd.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the forecast data

  • alpha (float) – A weight for the forecast data side

  • beta (float) – A weight for the current/real values sied

  • col (str) – The column variable name


The output DataFrame with the corrected values

Return type:


get_power_from_weather(df_weather: ~pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, set_mix_forecast: bool | None = False, df_now: ~pandas.core.frame.DataFrame | None = Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: []) Series

Convert wheater forecast data into electrical power.

  • df_weather (pd.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the weather forecasted data. This DF should be generated by the ‘get_weather_forecast’ method or at least contain the same columns names filled with proper data.

  • set_mix_forecast (Bool, optional) – Use a mixed forcast strategy to integra now/current values.

  • df_now (pd.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the now/current data.


The DataFrame containing the electrical power in Watts

Return type:


get_prod_price_forecast(df_final: DataFrame, method: str | None = 'constant', csv_path: str | None = 'data_prod_price_forecast.csv', list_and_perfect: bool | None = False) DataFrame

Get the unit power production price for the energy injected to the grid.This is the price of the energy injected to the utility in a vector sampled at the fixed freq value.

  • df_input_data (pd.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing all the input data retrieved from hass

  • method (str, optional) – The method to be used to generate the production price forecast, the options are ‘constant’ for a fixed constant value and ‘csv’to load a CSV file, defaults to ‘constant’

  • csv_path (str, optional) – The path to the CSV file used when method = ‘csv’, defaults to “/data/data_load_cost_forecast.csv”


The input DataFrame with one additionnal column appended containing the power production price for each time observation.

Return type:


get_weather_forecast(method: str | None = 'scrapper', csv_path: str | None = 'data_weather_forecast.csv') DataFrame

Get and generate weather forecast data.


method (str, optional) – The desired method, options are ‘scrapper’, ‘csv’, ‘list’, ‘solcast’ and ‘solar.forecast’. Defaults to ‘scrapper’.


The DataFrame containing the forecasted data

Return type:


emhass.machine_learning_forecaster module

class emhass.machine_learning_forecaster.MLForecaster(data: DataFrame, model_type: str, var_model: str, sklearn_model: str, num_lags: int, emhass_conf: dict, logger: Logger)

Bases: object

A forecaster class using machine learning models with auto-regressive approach and featuresbased on timestamp information (hour, day, week, etc).

This class uses the skforecast module and the machine learning models are from scikit-learn.

It exposes three main methods:

  • fit: to train a model with the passed data.

  • predict: to obtain a forecast from a pre-trained model.

  • tune: to optimize the models hyperparameters using bayesian optimization.

static add_date_features(data: DataFrame) DataFrame

Add date features from the input DataFrame timestamp


data (pd.DataFrame) – The input DataFrame


The DataFrame with the added features

Return type:


fit(split_date_delta: str | None = '48h', perform_backtest: bool | None = False) Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]

The fit method to train the ML model.

  • split_date_delta (Optional[str], optional) – The delta from now to split_date_delta that will be used as the test period to evaluate the model, defaults to ‘48h’

  • perform_backtest (Optional[bool], optional) – If True then a back testing routine is performed to evaluate the performance of the model on the complete train set, defaults to False


The DataFrame containing the forecast data results without and with backtest

Return type:

Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]

static generate_exog(data_last_window, periods, var_name)

Generate the exogenous data for future timestamps.

static neg_r2_score(y_true, y_pred)

The negative of the r2 score.

predict(data_last_window: DataFrame | None = None) Series

The predict method to generate forecasts from a previously fitted ML model.


data_last_window (Optional[pd.DataFrame], optional) – The data that will be used to generate the new forecast, this will be freshly retrieved from Home Assistant. This data is needed because the forecast model is an auto-regressive model with lags. If not passed then the data used during the model train is used, defaults to None


A pandas series containing the generated forecasts.

Return type:


tune(debug: bool | None = False) DataFrame

Tuning a previously fitted model using bayesian optimization.


debug (Optional[bool], optional) – Set to True for testing and faster optimizations, defaults to False


The DataFrame with the forecasts using the optimized model.

Return type:


emhass.optimization module

class emhass.optimization.Optimization(retrieve_hass_conf: dict, optim_conf: dict, plant_conf: dict, var_load_cost: str, var_prod_price: str, costfun: str, emhass_conf: dict, logger: Logger, opt_time_delta: int | None = 24)

Bases: object

Optimize the deferrable load and battery energy dispatch problem using the linear programming optimization technique. All equipement equations, including the battery equations are hence transformed in a linear form.

This class methods are:

  • perform_optimization

  • perform_perfect_forecast_optim

  • perform_dayahead_forecast_optim

  • perform_naive_mpc_optim

perform_dayahead_forecast_optim(df_input_data: DataFrame, P_PV: Series, P_load: Series) DataFrame

Perform a day-ahead optimization task using real forecast data. This type of optimization is intented to be launched once a day.

  • df_input_data (pandas.DataFrame) – A DataFrame containing all the input data used for the optimization, notably the unit load cost for power consumption.

  • P_PV (pandas.DataFrame) – The forecasted PV power production.

  • P_load (pandas.DataFrame) – The forecasted Load power consumption. This power should not include the power from the deferrable load that we want to find.


opt_res: A DataFrame containing the optimization results

Return type:


perform_naive_mpc_optim(df_input_data: DataFrame, P_PV: Series, P_load: Series, prediction_horizon: int, soc_init: float | None = None, soc_final: float | None = None, def_total_hours: list | None = None, def_start_timestep: list | None = None, def_end_timestep: list | None = None) DataFrame

Perform a naive approach to a Model Predictive Control (MPC). This implementaion is naive because we are not using the formal formulation of a MPC. Only the sense of a receiding horizon is considered here. This optimization is more suitable for higher optimization frequency, ex: 5min.

  • df_input_data (pandas.DataFrame) – A DataFrame containing all the input data used for the optimization, notably the unit load cost for power consumption.

  • P_PV (pandas.DataFrame) – The forecasted PV power production.

  • P_load (pandas.DataFrame) – The forecasted Load power consumption. This power should not include the power from the deferrable load that we want to find.

  • prediction_horizon (int) – The prediction horizon of the MPC controller in number of optimization time steps.

  • soc_init (float) – The initial battery SOC for the optimization. This parameter is optional, if not given soc_init = soc_final = soc_target from the configuration file.

  • soc_final – The final battery SOC for the optimization. This parameter is optional, if not given soc_init = soc_final = soc_target from the configuration file.

  • def_total_hours (list) – The functioning hours for this iteration for each deferrable load. (For continuous deferrable loads: functioning hours at nominal power)

  • def_start_timestep (list) – The timestep as from which each deferrable load is allowed to operate.

  • def_end_timestep (list) – The timestep before which each deferrable load should operate.


opt_res: A DataFrame containing the optimization results

Return type:


perform_optimization(data_opt: DataFrame, P_PV: array, P_load: array, unit_load_cost: array, unit_prod_price: array, soc_init: float | None = None, soc_final: float | None = None, def_total_hours: list | None = None, def_start_timestep: list | None = None, def_end_timestep: list | None = None, debug: bool | None = False) DataFrame

Perform the actual optimization using linear programming (LP).

  • data_tp (pd.DataFrame) – A DataFrame containing the input data. The results of the optimization will be appended (decision variables, cost function values, etc)

  • P_PV (numpy.array) – The photovoltaic power values. This can be real historical values or forecasted values.

  • P_load (np.array) – The load power consumption values

  • unit_load_cost (np.array) – The cost of power consumption for each unit of time. This is the cost of the energy from the utility in a vector sampled at the fixed freq value

  • unit_prod_price (np.array) – The price of power injected to the grid each unit of time. This is the price of the energy injected to the utility in a vector sampled at the fixed freq value.

  • soc_init (float) – The initial battery SOC for the optimization. This parameter is optional, if not given soc_init = soc_final = soc_target from the configuration file.

  • soc_final – The final battery SOC for the optimization. This parameter is optional, if not given soc_init = soc_final = soc_target from the configuration file.

  • def_total_hours (list) – The functioning hours for this iteration for each deferrable load. (For continuous deferrable loads: functioning hours at nominal power)

  • def_start_timestep (list) – The timestep as from which each deferrable load is allowed to operate.

  • def_end_timestep (list) – The timestep before which each deferrable load should operate.


The input DataFrame with all the different results from the optimization appended

Return type:


perform_perfect_forecast_optim(df_input_data: DataFrame, days_list: date_range) DataFrame

Perform an optimization on historical data (perfectly known PV production).

  • df_input_data (pandas.DataFrame) – A DataFrame containing all the input data used for the optimization, notably photovoltaics and load consumption powers.

  • days_list (list) – A list of the days of data that will be retrieved from hass and used for the optimization task. We will retrieve data from now and up to days_to_retrieve days


opt_res: A DataFrame containing the optimization results

Return type:


static validate_def_timewindow(start: int, end: int, min_steps: int, window: int) Tuple[int, int, str]

Helper function to validate (and if necessary: correct) the defined optimization window of a deferrable load.

  • start (int) – Start timestep of the optimization window of the deferrable load

  • end (int) – End timestep of the optimization window of the deferrable load

  • min_steps (int) – Minimal timesteps during which the load should operate (at nominal power)

  • window (int) – Total number of timesteps in the optimization window


start_validated: Validated start timestep of the optimization window of the deferrable load

Return type:



end_validated: Validated end timestep of the optimization window of the deferrable load

Return type:



warning: Any warning information to be returned from the validation steps

Return type:


emhass.retrieve_hass module

class emhass.retrieve_hass.RetrieveHass(hass_url: str, long_lived_token: str, freq: Timedelta, time_zone: timezone, params: str, emhass_conf: dict, logger: Logger, get_data_from_file: bool | None = False)

Bases: object

Retrieve data from Home Assistant using the restful API.

This class allows the user to retrieve data from a Home Assistant instance using the provided restful API (https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/api/rest/)

This class methods are:

  • get_data: to retrieve the actual data from hass

  • prepare_data: to apply some data treatment in preparation for the optimization task

  • post_data: Post passed data to hass

static get_attr_data_dict(data_df: DataFrame, idx: int, entity_id: str, unit_of_measurement: str, friendly_name: str, list_name: str, state: float) dict
get_data(days_list: date_range, var_list: list, minimal_response: bool | None = False, significant_changes_only: bool | None = False, test_url: str | None = 'empty') None

Retrieve the actual data from hass.

  • days_list (pandas.date_range) – A list of days to retrieve. The ISO format should be used and the timezone is UTC. The frequency of the data_range should be freq=’D’

  • var_list (list) – The list of variables to retrive from hass. These should be the exact name of the sensor in Home Assistant. For example: [‘sensor.home_load’, ‘sensor.home_pv’]

  • minimal_response (bool, optional) – Retrieve a minimal response using the hass restful API, defaults to False

  • significant_changes_only (bool, optional) – Retrieve significant changes only using the hass restful API, defaults to False


The DataFrame populated with the retrieved data from hass

Return type:



The minimal_response and significant_changes_only options are experimental

post_data(data_df: DataFrame, idx: int, entity_id: str, unit_of_measurement: str, friendly_name: str, type_var: str, from_mlforecaster: bool | None = False, publish_prefix: str | None = '') None

Post passed data to hass.

  • data_df (pd.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the data that will be posted to hass. This should be a one columns DF or a series.

  • idx (int) – The int index of the location of the data within the passed DataFrame. We will post just one value at a time.

  • entity_id (str) – The unique entity_id of the sensor in hass.

  • unit_of_measurement (str) – The units of the sensor.

  • friendly_name (str) – The friendly name that will be used in the hass frontend.

  • type_var (str) – A variable to indicate the type of variable: power, SOC, etc.

  • publish_prefix (str, optional) – A common prefix for all published data entity_id.

prepare_data(var_load: str, load_negative: bool | None = False, set_zero_min: bool | None = True, var_replace_zero: list | None = None, var_interp: list | None = None) None

Apply some data treatment in preparation for the optimization task.

  • var_load (str) – The name of the variable for the household load consumption.

  • load_negative (bool, optional) – Set to True if the retrived load variable is negative by convention, defaults to False

  • set_zero_min (bool, optional) – A special treatment for a minimum value saturation to zero. Values below zero are replaced by nans, defaults to True

  • var_replace_zero (list, optional) – A list of retrived variables that we would want to replace nans with zeros, defaults to None

  • var_interp (list, optional) – A list of retrived variables that we would want to interpolate nan values using linear interpolation, defaults to None


The DataFrame populated with the retrieved data from hass and after the data treatment

Return type:


emhass.utils module

emhass.utils.build_params(params: dict, params_secrets: dict, options: dict, addon: int, logger: Logger) dict

Build the main params dictionary from the loaded options.json when using the add-on.

  • params (dict) – The main params dictionary

  • params_secrets (dict) – The dictionary containing the secret protected variables

  • options (dict) – The load dictionary from options.json

  • addon (int) – A “bool” to select if we are using the add-on

  • logger (logging.Logger) – The logger object


The builded dictionary

Return type:


emhass.utils.get_days_list(days_to_retrieve: int) date_range

Get list of past days from today to days_to_retrieve.


days_to_retrieve (int) – Total number of days to retrieve from the past


The list of days

Return type:


emhass.utils.get_forecast_dates(freq: int, delta_forecast: int, timedelta_days: int | None = 0) DatetimeIndex

Get the date_range list of the needed future dates using the delta_forecast parameter.

  • freq (int) – Optimization time step.

  • delta_forecast (int) – Number of days to forecast in the future to be used for the optimization.

  • timedelta_days (Optional[int], optional) – Number of truncated days needed for each optimization iteration, defaults to 0


A list of future forecast dates.

Return type:


emhass.utils.get_injection_dict(df: DataFrame, plot_size: int | None = 1366) dict

Build a dictionary with graphs and tables for the webui.

  • df (pd.DataFrame) – The optimization result DataFrame

  • plot_size (Optional[int], optional) – Size of the plot figure in pixels, defaults to 1366


A dictionary containing the graphs and tables in html format

Return type:


emhass.utils.get_injection_dict_forecast_model_fit(df_fit_pred: DataFrame, mlf: MLForecaster) dict

Build a dictionary with graphs and tables for the webui for special MLF fit case.

  • df_fit_pred (pd.DataFrame) – The fit result DataFrame

  • mlf (MLForecaster) – The MLForecaster object


A dictionary containing the graphs and tables in html format

Return type:


emhass.utils.get_injection_dict_forecast_model_tune(df_pred_optim: DataFrame, mlf: MLForecaster) dict

Build a dictionary with graphs and tables for the webui for special MLF tune case.

  • df_pred_optim (pd.DataFrame) – The tune result DataFrame

  • mlf (MLForecaster) – The MLForecaster object


A dictionary containing the graphs and tables in html format

Return type:


emhass.utils.get_logger(fun_name: str, emhass_conf: dict, save_to_file: bool | None = True, logging_level: str | None = 'DEBUG') Tuple[Logger, StreamHandler]

Create a simple logger object.

  • fun_name (str) – The Python function object name where the logger will be used

  • emhass_conf (dict) – Dictionary containing the needed emhass paths

  • save_to_file (bool, optional) – Write log to a file, defaults to True


The logger object and the handler

Return type:


emhass.utils.get_root(file: str, num_parent: int | None = 3) str

Get the root absolute path of the working directory.

  • file – The passed file path with __file__

  • num_parent (int, optional) – The number of parents levels up to desired root folder


The root path

Return type:


emhass.utils.get_yaml_parse(emhass_conf: dict, use_secrets: bool | None = True, params: str | None = None) Tuple[dict, dict, dict]

Perform parsing of the config.yaml file.

  • emhass_conf (dict) – Dictionary containing the needed emhass paths

  • use_secrets (bool, optional) – Indicate if we should use a secrets file or not. Set to False for unit tests.

  • params (str) – Configuration parameters passed from data/options.json


A tuple with the dictionaries containing the parsed data

Return type:


emhass.utils.set_df_index_freq(df: DataFrame) DataFrame

Set the freq of a DataFrame DateTimeIndex.


df (pd.DataFrame) – Input DataFrame


Input DataFrame with freq defined

Return type:


emhass.utils.treat_runtimeparams(runtimeparams: str, params: str, retrieve_hass_conf: dict, optim_conf: dict, plant_conf: dict, set_type: str, logger: Logger) Tuple[str, dict]

Treat the passed optimization runtime parameters.

  • runtimeparams (str) – Json string containing the runtime parameters dict.

  • params (str) – Configuration parameters passed from data/options.json

  • retrieve_hass_conf (dict) – Container for data retrieving parameters.

  • optim_conf (dict) – Container for optimization parameters.

  • plant_conf (dict) – Container for technical plant parameters.

  • set_type (str) – The type of action to be performed.

  • logger (logging.Logger) – The logger object.


Returning the params and optimization parameter container.

Return type:

Tuple[str, dict]